PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT AND SHARING OF USE OF MULTI-USER EQUIPMENT (MUE process linked to the 2013 / 50238-3 process) – under construction
This plan for managing and sharing the use of multi-user equipment is related to the fuel consumption measurement and conditioning system.
The laboratory will have technical support, which will be responsible for the entire operational and maintenance of the equipment. The laboratory will be supervised by the Steering Committee.
The MUE will be installed in the Motors and Vehicles Laboratory of the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia (CPE Headquarters “Professor Urbano Ernesto Stumpf”), with enough space for the MUE ..
In the operation of the equipment, technicians will instruct and accompany internal and external users when using the MUE .
Specialized maintenance services will be contracted with external suppliers.
This plan also presents the Management Committee and the Users Committee and their functions. In both committees, the Institutional Researcher Support Office (EAIP-IMT) will assist with administrative procedures related to FAPESP, thus being able to participate in the meetings of each committee.
Steering Committee
The steering committee is composed by:
- Prof. Dr. Francisco Emilio Baccaro Nigro, responsible for the MUE project
(; - Prof. Dr. Clayton Barcelos Zabeu
Responsibilities of the steering committee:
- Manage the use and operation of the equipment;
- Evaluate the proposals for the use of the MUE by researchers and institutions internal or external to the CPE and, when appropriate, correct distortions in use and access;
- Guarantee access to other researchers in the scientific community;
- Hold a semiannual meeting to define usage procedures and their improvements;
- Establish criteria and procedures for the equipment to produce reliable results;
- Establish criteria to guarantee resources for the maintenance of the MUE ;
- Establish criteria to guarantee the full functioning of the EMU for a minimum period of 7 years;
- Gather the publications generated with the results obtained with the MUE .
- Keep the MUE page up to date.
From the Users Committee:
The user committee is composed by:
- Prof. Dr. Rogério Gonçalves dos Santos – UNICAMP
( - Prof. Me. Rafael Serralvo Neto – FEI
Responsibilities of the user committee:
- Check the equipment usage records and make suggestions to the management committee;
- Make a continuous assessment of the condition of the equipment and discuss the coherence and accuracy of the results;
- Discuss and present the guidelines for schedules and use of equipment to the management committee;
- Present an opinion with the documented statement of the intensity of use of the MUE , separating the data from internal and external users;
- Provide data related to the publications generated with the results obtained by the MUE ;
- Hold semi-annual committee meetings. Any users in the last 12 months, and the signatories of the original proposal, may be invited to the meetings.