Left to right: Prof. Gallo (UNICAMP), Prof. Pedro Lacava (ITA), Prof. Janito (UNICAMP), Eng. Rafael Serralvo (Peugeot), Eng. Franck Turkovics (Peugeot), Prof. Clayton (Mauá), e Prof. Guenther (EPUSP). Discussing results of an engine essay performed at Mauá.
Direction Board
Director: Prof. Dr. Francisco Emílio Baccaro Nigro – IMT
Deputy-Director: Eng. Vinícius Caso Moreira– PSA Group
Education and Knowledge Diffusion Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Guenther Carlos Krieger Filho – EPUSP
Technology Transfer Coordinator: Prof. Renato Romio – IMT
Executive manager: Patricia Mantovani
Principal researchers:
- Prof. Dr. Waldyr Luiz Ribeiro Gallo – LMB – UNICAMP
Responsible Researcher for the Project
Principal Researcher for the sub-theme 4: “Thermodynamic simulation of indicated performance for ethanol engines”.
- Prof. Dr. Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira – LMB – UNICAMP
Principal Researcher for the sub-theme 5: “Innovative mechanical solutions for ethanol engines”.
- Prof. Dr. Marco Lucio Bittencourt – LMB – UNICAMP
Principal Researcher for the sub-theme 6: “Dynamic simulation, stress analysis, and low weight components design and fatigue essays”.
- Prof. Dr. Pedro Teixeira Lacava – LCPE – ITA
Principal Researcher for the sub-theme 3: “Spray combustion of hydrated ethanol for MPFI engines”.
- Prof. Dr. Guenther Carlos Krieger Filho – LETE – EPUSP
Principal Researcher for the sub-theme 2: “Fundamental studies on mixture preparation and turbulent combustion on hydrous ethanol engines”.
- Prof. Dr. Francisco Emilio Baccaro Nigro – IMT e EPUSP
Principal Researcher for the sub-theme 1: “Exploratory experimental tests for an ethanol engine”
Associated Researchers:
- Profa. Dra. Cristiane Aparecida Martins – LCPE – ITA
- Dra. Leila Ribeiro dos Santos – LCPE – ITA
- Prof. Dr. Mauricio Silva Ferreira – LETE – EPUSP
- Dr. Flavio Galeazzo – LETE – EPUSP
- Dr. Newton K. Fukumasu – LETE – EPUSP
- Prof. MSc. Clayton Zabeu – DMV - IMT
Students Grants
- Pos-Doc.: 01
- PhD: 03
- MSc: 08 (four each two years)
- Scientific initiation (underg.): 04 (one per year)